Beautify your folds & curves using our Dermal Filler Treatment.

Are you too conscious about the strange looks caused by shapeless lips, smile lines, and nasolabial fold? We have the perfect solution for this kind of unusual folding and curves in your face. The Dermal filler treatment offered by Almeka medical center uses dermal fillers of biodegradable nature that is not harmful. The Dermal filler treatment is performed by injecting Hyaluronic acid to the intra-dermal spots where the correction of lips or folds needs to be done. Being the best solution for folds and curves, dermal filler treatment gives immediate results which can be enhanced by further corrections in the following weeks. The fillers injected are highly effective as the benefit of first set treatment will last for 12 -18 months and you will be offered repeat treatment after that period.

The Dermal filler treatment basically functions by replacing the collagen that is lost by skin damages and natural aging processes. This smoothes the wrinkles and tightens your skin.

 The Dermal Filler Treatment is usually used for correcting the following imperfections:

•    Smile lines

•    Nasolabial folds

•    Tear tough

•    Lip enhancement

The dermal fillers are used to make a series of injections to the areas that are needed to be enhanced. The treatment takes 15-20 minutes normally according to the area which needs to be treated. Just after the treatment, you may feel aching which is an absolutely normal phenomenon that will be passed within hours. The cost of dermal filler is determined by different factors like the technologies used in the treatment. For example, there are various laser treatment machines with various technologies of price ranging from 5 lakhs to 80 lakhs for laser hair removal. Almeka uses top-notch technologies for better treatment.

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