Eyebrows help accentuate the eyes, shape the face, and play a powerful role in communication. But achieving perfectly-manicured brows costs money. That’s why many women, and some men, tend to budget for that little extra every month to keep their brows on fleek.
Women want to feel confident and elegant. How they feel when they do their hair or nails, is the same feeling with eyebrows – it is a confidence booster. Even though well-structured arches balance the facial features, it is crucial to trim them properly to look your best. And, did you know that beautifully-groomed eyebrows are a lesser known anti-ageing secret?
However, there are other options that women can look out for to have power eyebrows. The best option to groom eye-browses is microblading. It also known as Eyebrow Embroidery is a procedure categorized under permanent makeup, but unlike traditional cosmetic tattooing, it is less invasive and is considered semi-permanent. Microblading typically lasts 1-3 years, depending on skin type and skincare routine.
The procedure involves hundreds of tiny strokes that build a texture that looks like your own eyebrow hair and improve the appearance of your eyebrows. It is performed by a trained doctor in Almeka Kochi.