No more let unwanted hair down your confidence, when laser hair removal can do magics!

Laser hair removal

Skin hair bothering much? Insecure about your sleeves? Not confident enough to put your face up because of unwanted hair? Well, your one-stop solution is Almeka Medical Centre and their laser hair removal treatment.

Almeka offers the best laser hair removal treatment ensuring a beautiful and safer skin getting rid of your insecurities.  They use the Nd YAG laser machine for their treatment and the results have ever been great.  The hair follicle is damaged by the intense heating of the laser inhibiting future hair growth. The time duration for the treatment depends on the treatment area.

Unwanted hair removal

Do not worry at all! Our specially trained dermatologists will guide you in the preparation for the laser hair removal treatment and your health and skin conditions will be checked through. The benefits, risks, and expectations along with what laser hair removal can and cannot be done will be discussed.

Redness and swelling for a few hours from the laser hair removal treatment can be felt and the application of ice is advised to reduce discomfort. Skin irritation and pigment changes also arise after laser hair removal treatment but just fades away soon. If reactions arise, doctors will have it all handled with gels, creams, and lotions. So it is all chill, after all, no gain without pain!

90% hair reductions happen with the laser hair removal treatment but periodic maintenance treatment helps to catch up. A usual time of six to eight sessions are required to get the best and desirable result and some might even extend up to ten to twelve session as the result of the treatment varies from person to person.

And do not forget sunscreen. It is going to be your armour now. You need to try avoiding sun exposure after the laser hair removal treatment.

So do not hesitate. Laser hair removal treatment is safe and simple and you get a beautiful skin and a brighter mind.  With the laser hair removal treatment at Almeka Medical Centre, it’s no more a hiding story. It is going to be getting up and show up the story!

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