Oxygenpeel for Dandruff

Oxygenpeel can be a supportive and combination treatment for hair fall and dandruff. The first step involves using the dry mode where the exfoliating properties of the oxypeel help to physically dislodge the excess visible flakes on the scalp. The second step involves the application of a scalp peel consisting of exfoliating gels like salicylic acid and vitamins that help in degreasing and nourishing the scalp. The third procedure is neutralizing the peel with a jet of oxygen and saline which produces a supersonic stream to safely and effectively exfoliate.
oxygenate and nourish the scalp at the same time. It also improves microcirculation and lymphatic drainage. The final stage is using a leave on preparation which helps to tackle scalp hygiene by reducing fungal overgrowth.
Treatments, like medicated shampoos and creams, can also be used along with oxypeel scalp treatment for better results. It can also be combined with PRP mesotherapy and microneedling for hair fall treatment.
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