What is the best treatment for Pimple Scar Reduction?

Immediate breaking out of the acne is disastrous enough but the post-acne scars are the most heartbreaking sights ever. Acnes are caused due to the excess deposition of oil or dead skin cell in the hair follicles in the skin. Thereafter, the area will get easily affected by bacteria creating pimples. The relief for people who are perplexed with their acne scars is that it can be well cured with pimple scar reduction treatment.

Prior to the pimple scar reduction treatment, you need to discover which kind of acne is that as they vary in nature and forms. There are different kinds of acne like Mild acne, Moderately severe acne, Severe acne etc. Different post-acne scars respond to treatment differently, hence it can be done accordingly.

The scar variant that can be treated by pimple scar reduction treatment includes,

  • Atrophic scars/depressed scars: they are the common scars formed on the face which usually forms below the skin when not enough collagen is made during the wound healing.
  • Hypertrophic or Raised scars: common scars caused by the chest and back acne. They are formed from the skin surface as a result of the developing of too much collagen during healing.

There are many therapeutic methods for pimple scar reduction treatment like chemical peeling, subcision, dermabrasion, punch techniques with some outcomes. Other than that, Ablative lasers such as Er: YAG lasers or CO2 lasers creates significant improvement for long recovery times and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.

The recent pimple scar reduction treatment such as Micro-needling Fractional Radiofrequency (MFR) has clinically approved in eradicating acne scars without directly harming the epidermis. The process is done by the removal of the upper layer of skin thereby you will get a smooth skin within 3-10 days. Sometimes, multiple sessions are required for acquiring the best results. It will wholly depend upon the type of the skin and the acne scar.

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