Skin Laser Therapy

Skin Laser Therapy

What is Skin Laser Therapy?

Skin Laser therapies are medical treatments that use focused light. Laser light is a very special kind of light. Unlike most light sources, it is tuned to very specific wavelengths. This allows it to be focused into powerful beams. Laser light is so intense it can be used to shape diamonds or cut steel. In medicine, lasers offer surgeons the ability to work very precisely. They can focus on a small area and damage less of the surrounding tissue. Patients who have skin laser therapy may experience less pain, swelling, and scarring than with traditional surgery. However, skin laser therapy is expensive. It may also require repeated treatments. Laser stands for: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation.
Today the modern medical science is changing according to the needs of the man to fulfill the dreams of their cosmetic and aesthetic appearance. Cosmetology is fast developing with the introduction of newer laser machines. The word LASER is an acronym for Light Amplification by the Stimulated Emission of Radiation. LASER consists of an active medium (crystal, gas, dye) that is raised to an excited state by external energy source such as flash lamp or an electric discharge. The resulting process of stimulated emission in the active medium produces abundance of photons of light all of the same wavelength . A pair of mirrors at each end of the active laser. medium reflects the light back and forth on itself to increase the probability of stimulated emission. One of the mirrors allows a small fraction of the light to leak through. The resulting beam of light is the output beam of laser. Sunlight is having seven different colours namely Violet, Indigo, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, Red with its wave length measures from 400-700 nanometers. Of this 400 nanometer is Violet and 700 nanometer is Red. This visible light is in the center of the electromagnetic spectrum. On the shorter wavelength side is ultraviolet light and then X-rays and gamma rays and cosmic rays on the extremely short end. Infrared light is adjacent to the visible spectrum on the long wavelength side. Microwaves and radio waves have even longer wavelengths. Lasers used for cosmetic laser applications are in the infra red area of electromagnetic spectrum.

 Skin Laser Therapy

Almeka Medical Centre is a specialist centre for skin laser therapy for unwanted hairs, hair loss, facial rejuvenation, fairness, aging black spots & moles, pimples, scar, warts, Chemical Peeling, Tattoo removal, skin tightening etc.
At Almeka Medical Centre, all the treatments are carried out by trained cosmetic dermatologists.