Adieu to hair loss, PRP treatment is here! [Platelet Rich Plasma therapy for hair loss]

One of the greatest risks affects the young generation is the issue of hair loss at a young age.  The common cause for the hair loss in men is due to the androgenic alopecia. It is the early stages which can be slowed down or that can be reversed with a medication of Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy for hair loss. At the other hand, hair transplantation will be the only solution for the advanced cases.

Androgenic hair loss is severely caused due to the activity of androgens, predominantly DHT. It causes bad effect at the dermal papillae in the individual follicles. According to some cases of adult men, it’s because of the chronologic age, and their strong genetic component. Our Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy for hair loss treatment protocol consists of a kind of replacement therapy using vitamins, minerals and amino acids along with minoxidil and 5 alpha reductase inhibitors.

You Platelet-Rich Plasma is directly injected into your scalp using a thin needle.  Rest of the growth factors in your blood cells does their work and thereby hair growth is stimulated naturally.

Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy for hair loss is available for both men and women and it gives you 100% satisfaction. This Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is the best treatment you can afford for your severe hair loss. It is non surgical and a best alternative medical procedure used for the treatment of hair. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is an injectable treatment in which we use the blood of patient itself. Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy is also used along with some other hair transplant procedures.

Some of the Advantages of Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy that makes it promising are:

  • The therapy is non surgical procedure that is absolutely Simple
  • Procedure lasts around 60 – 90 minutes
  • Provide safe and reliable results
  • Therapy has quick recovery period.
  • Promising natural look



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